Thursday, May 20, 2021

Bearing the Cost

After a day of having to bear a heavy load, that left me in tears.....I started reflecting.... 

I was thinking back today on this moment several years ago, as I was walking on a forgiveness road,  a rough patch actually.  And I had read this story of twin brothers.  One whose live was a wreck; he was an alcoholic, had been through some failed marriages, was distanced from his children.  The other had quite a nice life, successful career, happily married, a good family life.  

This story hit me like a ton of bricks, because someone asked the brothers the reason why their lives were the way they were and they had the same response:  "growing up with an alcoholic father."

I knew at that moment I really had a choice.  Was I going to choose the road of being bitter or better?  

It was so hard.  I was very bitter.  I struggle with bitterness to this day.  But on this day,  and it was like moving a 2 ton boulder for me emotionally, or swinging around a crane with physical force,  but I took hold of that 2 ton brick of bitterness and I turned it around.  I said,  "no, "   

I                    WILL                     NOT              BE             BITTER

I will allow this to make me better.  Although this was a turning point in my life,  there are still many, many instances that come up where I have an opportunity like this......And I have to choose the high road.  I had a pretty terrible day even yesterday,  having the anxieties attack me and then (of course). rejection from a student compounding that.  But, I can see where it prepared me for today, an even worse day!  I looked up a lot of positive messages and they helped.  Thank heavens I did that!  Also, for my breakfast meal,  I read Hinds Feet on High Places which talks about the Valley of Humiliation.  I didn't know how MUCH I was going to NEED that!  I didn't know I was going to get whacked with a 2 x 4 today!!  I guess God thought I needed a little more 'fire' or fertilizer, however you want to look at it.  

Here are a few "messages" from Pinterest last night:


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