Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A tiny voice, like a Who down in Whoville

Wow, it's hard to do this on your phone!

I was thinking about this voice that is so rare, almost as rare as the voice that puts themselves last..... But not quite.

This is the voice that denies oneself pleasure for a greater good.  I was thinking again about why I have chosen loneliness and some amount of heart break instead of marrying (or falling into bed with, as people do nowadays) the man I am most attracted to.

The answer amusingly reminds me of how the Japanese built their companies, how their automotive industry obtained huge success.  They did not realize great monetary rewards, but instead kept re-investing and improving their product and sustainability.

So, in this way, I am improving (which is GOD and i) myself. Really, it is He that is improving me and I only have to cooperate with Him. But, maybe loneliness will be short-termed. I actually am finding jewels in this desert of loneliness, of having no one to belong to, no intimacy with a spouse.  Truly, He is building me, into a great cathedral... It's fun to watch Him build.....

But the relationship my flesh desires is really a cheap model.  One that cannot last.... One that would be a broken down vehicle and a lot of misery in the future.   But.....I can change him, he will change!  ....a lot of women say.  Sadly, no he won't. And it's ludicrous to expect him to.

But the vehicle that is "save up now, suffer a little," is the Rolls Royce with great returns.  Even if another great 'vehicle' never comes along, I have built an exponential, un-countable amount of heavenly returns. I know us temporal creatures don't care about that, ... But like your mother or father say, "Some day you will!!"

Remember, save now, deny yourself (only possible if you are willing and with God's help).
Look to Jesus to cover your wounds.  Of course, you will not be without pain. No one in this life escapes that.  But your pain will be less in the long term, and your joy greater for choosing Jesus.  I cannot describe how wonderful, what a wonderful and good healer He is.  If you need help knowing this, listen to"Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury, watch Akianne paint about Him, read your Bible (novel idea) lol.... There are so many, many great resources that will encourage you to stay true to your King, even Pinterest. Type "God's Love" on the internet. Keep searching, searching/seeking  Him. Don't give up until He reveals Himself to you.

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