Cha- Cha-Cha,,,,
I was thinking I would let you in on some secrets
I have discovered.
Ways to make a vacation in your home town...
Even if all you can afford is a meal out or a walk about!
Something I have done to make even a restaurant
visit more interesting (while waiting for the food) is
to take pictures of 'house decor'. ....Then I compile them or feed out clues meagerly, (depending on what kind of mood I'm in) to my friends on Facebook......The game is "guess where I'm at?" It's interesting that sometimes people can't get places 20 miles away sometimes (I make it harder with what I post when it's close) but can get places that are 2 hours away.
Once I was in a quite obscure restaurant in Omaha, NE and I knew no one on my feed would recognize it, although I do have a few Omaha native friends...But. if they were really serious about my game, they actually could have zoomed in on my photo, as the napkin holder in the background had the name on it.
But, I guess their were no Ferraris at stake or anything like that, so sometimes people don't care to put forth the effort! :)
Other ways to make local fun
-take in the tourist attractions as if you were a tourist instead of a native. Wear the get up. Ask the tour guide crazy, weird and stupid questions! Enjoy the reactions. :) LOL
-go a little 'crazy'.....we've dressed up in biker outfits on Sturgis rally weekend and ate in restaurants (but stayed in our home town)....we've asked bikers if we could do a photo op on or near their bike. (i've never had the nerve to ask for a ride, but that might be fun as well). Sometimes, we've worn evening gowns out to eat at a local place.....sometimes I wear crazy hats.....makes life more fun! :).
-read up on the history of your area. look up the public places on the historic registry and check them out.
-visit local museums, shops, bookstores and libraries
-meet new people
-record the flora and fauna of your area. (I live in a rural area, so it's pretty easy). I take lots of nature hikes and take picture of anything I see that I don't recognize by name and either google it or post it to a FB group I'm in to find the name of it.
That's all I got for today. Cheers!