Sunday, June 17, 2018

                                                                                                                                       June 17, 2018

               Today was one of those days....
Today was one of those days.....where darkness and hell encroach,
but, the Lord sings over me through messages from [a movie, even]
And through heavenly music from some angels sent to minister
song through the power of the Holy Spirit  

                                                                     ok,  I was just about to give up, lol,  and then realized, at least I got what I be out of the caption option!  I just wanted to thank the Lord, today.  I know He is always with us and constantly helps us.....He ALWAYS gives me ideas for teaching and helps me to make it interesting and more exciting.  Today, we used my large collection of stamps!  to create cards for a sick sheep in our flock; and a former teacher as well....Those teachers NEED and DESERVE cards from kids when they are sick!  There's nothing like a thought from a child to cheer us up!  
For purple mountain majesties....above the fruited plain!
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies.....

 Just a beautiful walk on a beautiful day with a fun friend and a crazy dog