I haven't written for awhile. There's a lot going on in my life, although it may not seem like
much to someone looking on from the outside.
Some of my most wonderful friends, (that I have not yet met) write some truly inspiring and
life-changing things.
this pain and struggle that is sometimes a part of our lives does not go unnoticed.
Here is the way my "friend", Hannah Hurnard put it:

So, I've had a struggle of late which my Creator and a few close friends are privy to. I've one friend who told me (hilariously) last evening that men were overrated. Lol. At the time I did not agree, but have come to agree with that statement {after some unnecessary torture}, myself.
That's really all I have to say about that! :)
Next, on my mind is what the Lord, I believe, is trying to do to {with} me. I believe I'm quite a hard nut to crack, but He's willing to give it a go!
Because of severe pain and trauma in my life at an early age, I chose (unconsciously, really) to put several {very hard} layers around my soul. Let me tell you, they do NOT peel off easily!
But He's expecting me {what?!} to work on unpeeling those layers! I thought I'd just say a little prayer and He would fix things.
Was I ever wrong.
Like, He expects me to WORK, consistently, arduously on this. It is a lot of work to let go of everything. Well, try it! I'm sure there's some things you have to let go of, too.
One of the hardest things is just to give my heart to God on a platter and trust Him....it's hard, especially when people have been mean and untrustworthy. So, I have to say, "okay, God. I will not hold myself back anymore. I give myself totally up. I will trust. (which is a choice by the way). I won't try to wrap all these layers around myself so [people] can't get in. I've been tripping over and tangled up in all those sheets for many years. :)
He helps, for sure. He says He is our helper, right? Unfortunately, the bible does not say He is our "do everything for us", God which at times, I have to say would be pretty nice. :) (I get a little crabby sometimes). I guess He don't want no lazy children, and you can't blame Him.
But the things He does say....
that He will never leave us,
that He will never stop loving us, ....
well you have to see that He's putting a lot of work into Our relationship, Himself.....I mean, really, NEVER leave us? Like when EVERYONE else has said, "man I can't stand you right now....You're on your own." ALWAYS love us? That's my absolute favorite. He's like my GOD Teddy bear :)
I could go on and on about God, but pinterest says it better (and there's pretty pictures).
Here's one:
Thank-you for listening.
And have a blessed day.