Sunday, March 24, 2013

grace-God's instrument

God's grace undeservedly to me  flowed ......                         shame and hate
From piano to poem                                                              from my bitter pen flowed    
this mornin'                                                                               I thought darkness
                                                                                             rather than light
From words to harmonious intonation                                    i felt falling
from spirit to free                                                                   was my plight
Born of the Spirit                                                                   forever    
Life shall endure                                                                     gloom and despair
from cross to cradle                                                                ceasing to claw at me
and back again                                                                            
His grace gives on                                                                   His one tiny drop came     
His loves flows                                                                        when I dared whisper His name
His spirit grows                                                                      
Like an endless ocean                                                              A blueprint on my mind
of which one tiny drop heals me                                                that I was His
undeserved Me                                                                        wholy thine 
Whom He loves                                                                       surfaced
so   loves                                                                                 like a great wondrous 
                                                                                               creation from ocean depths
That undeserved me    
can be a part of his                                                                   Powerful, He rose
family tree                                                                                 my spirit overflowed
From the grapevine                                                                    in tiny teardrop ashes
all the way thru                                                                           my sin He overtakes
back in time                                                                                And become His own
                                                                                                   [with horror]      No!
He had a part for me                                                                   my Holy God, No!
I was wondrously made                                                  You became that for me?          
tho the dark one came                                                         How dare I speak so insolently
dark curses filled my mind                                                 Yet from my darkened heart
                                              doubts assail.
                                     but then the night does fly
                                         and [relief]  I am on day's page
                                      Oh  I never shall doubt again I cry!
                          And He looks at me....that knowing look
                                  from parent to child that says
                                        Yes, but I still love you
                                                Always will.