Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I love writing.  ...even if no one reads it I guess!  :)

I was thinking about how vital we are in our ministries, relationships, etc.  And I know that we are not as vital as we often think we are,  but at the same time we are vital!  Complex,  but everything with God is in perfect balance.  He certainly can raise up someone else to do the exact same job we are doing....but will he do it in this generation?  So then,  I thought the ministry we do is vital for us,  our rewards and happiness...but I do believe we can affect the eternal destination of people we meet. 
Maybe God would not raise up another person for many more generations to a certain people group??
So my conclusion is that we are vital for this generation,  this time, NOW.   .....but then again He can certainly "raise up the stones to cry out,  can't He?"  :)  smile.......He keeps us in check. 
Love, all.