Wednesday, November 23, 2011

SPiDer MaN and GOD

The age old question....that haunts believers and unbelievers alike in a continual torment of sorts....Why?   I have had my monumental struggles with this question and a lot of them have surfaced in the last year.  What am I going to believe?   I guess I have been in the 5th step of Experiencing God.  Believe me,  it is not really a fun step -  "You will face a crisis of belief that requires faith and action."  It is especially not fun,  if you have chosen the not-faith route.  Believe me.  If believing in God is life.....(Believe in Me and you will have Life.........Jesus says),  then unbelief is death.   Okay,  so what does Spiderman have to do with this all?
I happen to love Spiderman.        I don't think very many mothers of young boys can escape becoming acquainted with Spiderman and/or many other heroes and villians, ruffians of the worst sort.  And they (young boys)  Love it!   My son's child-like enthusiasm opened up a whole new interesting world of heroes and villians for me.  Drag me back, yes,  my mind is like a far-flung discus or boomerang.  I like to explore everything before I actually get to the point!
So I have been argueing with God a lot lately (not recommendable;  you never win).
But my question is nothing new;  it is a centuries old question.  Here it is:
If you are God,  how could you let that happen?  If you are all-knowing,  all powerful,  all- above it all,  how could you let this happen?
There are things that are so dark,  so ugly,  so unloving, unkind,  unsitely, hideous, sinister (you get the point)!  that happen,  that well,  one has to sit in stark astonishment and rage and wonder,  how could something like this even happen?
There is a scene in Spidemarn that I believe helps illustrate God's love.  Because there is another question/belief that springs from God letting evil happen; that is that God doesn't even love us or care about us.  There is a scene in Spiderman where the Villian,  in his efforts to get to Spiderman,  causes a train, full of people, to race out of control.   They are heading toward certain death.
As the viewer,  you know that the Devil-Villian is using the people to get at Spiderman-God.  Now,  we know Spiderman isn't God, and in fact,  God, of course, is much more in control,  (supreme, all-knowing and powerful)  than Spiderman,  but I think this is a good illustration of perhaps why evil happens.  Sin, which includes every form of evil, is never, has never been and never will be in 'God's will.'....But I think the reason that sometimes it isn't stopped is simply for the salvation of more lives. If destoying the Villian is also going to destroy all the people that the Villian has trapped and is holding in front of himself (for his own safety), then a loving God would save the people and let the Villian go free.  But to be sure,  there will be another appointment with the Devil....Then the Devil, who betrayed them, was thrown into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet.  There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.  Revelation 20:10, the Holy Bible.   There is also another death that relieves us,  it is ..And death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. Rev. 20:14...THE DEATH OF DEATH! .........And there is one final warning in that glorious chapter to heed;
......Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire. 
Make sure
doubly sure
that you are on the winning team!  
---with love to all the people that follow my blog.....Love you, Lace!  :)  Go Cherrie Blossom Paperie!   

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I love writing.  ...even if no one reads it I guess!  :)

I was thinking about how vital we are in our ministries, relationships, etc.  And I know that we are not as vital as we often think we are,  but at the same time we are vital!  Complex,  but everything with God is in perfect balance.  He certainly can raise up someone else to do the exact same job we are doing....but will he do it in this generation?  So then,  I thought the ministry we do is vital for us,  our rewards and happiness...but I do believe we can affect the eternal destination of people we meet. 
Maybe God would not raise up another person for many more generations to a certain people group??
So my conclusion is that we are vital for this generation,  this time, NOW.   .....but then again He can certainly "raise up the stones to cry out,  can't He?"  :)  smile.......He keeps us in check. 
Love, all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Antidote to Loneliness

God can always fill up the hole in our hearts.

This particular day,  I was feeling lonely.  I read some scripture out of Praying God's Word and I was filled!  God's word is AMAZING!
It has calmed the storm in me so many, many times!